Genset Services Announces new Contract with the Florida Sheriff’s Association
Contact us at 954-956-9252 today for details on the products, options and fixed pricing available through our contract.
The FSA can also provide support from a dedicated staff available Monday through Friday to answer any questions or assist you in your purchasing transactions. They can be reached at 850-877-2165.
We look forwarding to working together to streamline your equipment purchasing process.
Eligibility to Purchase – Contract pricing will be extended and guaranteed to any and all units of local governments/political subdivisions including but not limited to county sheriffs, county government, local county board of public instruction, municipalities and/or police agencies, other local public or public safety agencies or authorities within the State of Florida and the state universities and colleges. In addition, bids will be extended and guaranteed to any other entities approved by manufacturers to participate in this contract. The participating agencies cannot guarantee any order other than those ordered through each individual agency.