Modular Power Systems


Generac has its own integrated approach to a flexible, total power output that uses its cost-competitive modular power systems (MPS) rather than a large single generator unit or traditional methods of paralleling. There are many advantages with Generac’s modular type paralleling system including redundancy, flexibility, and scalability.  Click To Download More Information.

Consider the Features and Benefits of MPS:

  • Superior Reliability:
    Each generator backs up the other units in the system, so critical loads have redundant protection.  This built-in redundancy also allows units to be taken offline for routine maintenance while still retaining coverage for critical loads.
  • Scalability:
    With either MPS or the Gemini® Twin Pack, customers can purchase the system they need and can add units quickly and easily as they are required. This avoids any replacement should future power demand exceed projections.
  • Flexibility:
    MPS sets are small enough to fit into spaces which could not accommodate a larger unit and are light enough for rooftop applications.  As MPS modules do not have to be installed physically together, space can be better utilized.  Also the space required for switchgear and large external panel boards can be eliminated.
  • Serviceability:
    By the use of highly reliable, large volume smaller engines, MPS units are easy to service by qualified technicians. Maintenance items and replacement parts are less expensive and readily available.