Genset Services
Recommends Generac City

Generac City was recently announced by Generac as the place for engineers and contractors to visit on the internet to learn more about Generac Industral Power Solutions. Generac City is an interactive feature that details the vast experience and line of products in the Generac family.

Market segments include:

Data Centers
Water Treatment Centers
Financial Institutions

Take Advantage of
Generac’s SpecExpert

SpecExpert is Generac’s online tool licensed by the American Institue of Architects. SpecExpert by MasterSpec is packed with features including:

Desired Fuel
Applicable NEC and NFPA codes
Performace Characteristics
Compliance Codes

Spec writing has never been easier and more efficient than ever.

Don’t Miss
the Power Trip Experience

Genset Services is proud to announce we are hosting part of the annual Generac ‘Power Trip Experience’ nationwide journey.
For those of you who haven’t yet experienced the 53-foot mobile showcase, we can assure you its impressive! Not only does it provide visual representation of the latest product lines Generac has to offer, but shows how Generac’s products and solutions can support a variety of applications.